Choosing Colours for Your Braces

Choosing Colours for Your Braces

Since you’re in it for the long haul with your braces, you may as well add your own unique touch  with a little colour!

How can I change the colour of my braces?

Braces are made of several different parts that all work together to straighten your teeth. One these is the elastic bands.

Orthodontic elastics are also called ligatures, and they're placed around each bracket to hold the archwire in place in the bracket slot.

Elastics will lose their elasticity over time, and so your orthodontist will have to change them at each adjustment appointment. This is what allows you to choose and change the colour of your braces: elastics come in a wide variety of colours, allowing to change up the look of your braces every time you visit us, if you like.

How to Choose Colours for Your Braces

If you aren't sure what colour(s) you should choose, the following tips may help!

  • avoid brown, black and some shades of green; these could make it look like you have food stuck in your teeth
  • avoid white; it may cause your teeth to look yellow and discoloured
  • pick your favorite colour
    pick the colours of your favourite sports team
    pick your school colours
  • pick a colour that suits your complexion
  • pick colours that compliment your eye colour
  • use The Happy Tooth Colour Selector to test out your new look before committing!

If you have more questions about coloured braces, get in touch with Greater Vancouver Orthodontics today!

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(604) 662-3290