Lingual braces are placed on the backs of the teeth, hiding them from sight. “Translucent” braces, with their brackets made of a tooth-coloured ceramic, blend in with the colour of your teeth. If you're wondering which option to choose, read on!
Each orthodontic patient has their own unique requirements, in terms of both their orthodontic problems, and their personality. At Greater Vancouver Orthodontics, our orthodontists offer variety of treatment options for a wide range of needs.
For your consideration, here are some of the differences between lingual braces and translucent ceramic braces.
Translucent Braces
Translucent braces are not transparent in the literal sense, but they may as well be. The brackets are made of ceramic, which blends in with the natural colour of teeth, so they look see through when worn.
One potential negatives of translucent braces is that they are expensive compared to traditional braces are. Patients often choose to have them applied only to their more visible front teeth, or just the top front ones, because of this.
You should also know that ceramic braces are not as strong as metal ones, meaning your orthodontist won't be able to apply as much pressure to them at adjustment appointments. This causes tooth movement to happen more slowly, increasing the duration of your treatment to some degree.
Ceramic brackets are actually bigger than metal ones. You can't really tell that this is the case just by looking, since they blend in so well, but you may want to consider this point when it comes to comfort.
Lingual Braces
Lingual braces are a lot like traditional metal braces, but they are placed on the inward facing surface your teeth; in other words, the the side that faces into your mouth. Lingual braces are hidden from sight unless you open up your mouth wide.
Lingual braces have the same strength as traditional braces, allowing the orthodontist to apply the same amount of pressure during adjustment appointments. Therefore the duration of treatment is about the same as with traditional braces.
Lingual braces may make it difficult to talk at first because they sit just where your tongue touches the back of your teeth. This also means they can cause tongue irritation and discomfort at first as well.
Although the duration of treatment is the approximately same as with traditional braces, your adjustment appointments at our office may take a bit longer, and lingual braces can be somewhat more expensive than traditional braces as well.
Finally, because of their position on the inner sides of your teeth, lingual braces can be a bit difficult to clean. The awkward angles may require some acrobatics on your part!
Both translucent and lingual braces have their pros and cons, but ultimately make for great choices for people looking for more inconspicuous options.