If the inside of your mouth feeling tender since you got your new braces, orthodontic wax may help to prevent and relieve irritation caused by poking wires and brackets. Today, our Vancouver orthodontist explains what orthodontic wax is and how to use it.
What is orthodontic wax?
Made from paraffin wax, carnauba wax or beeswax, orthodontic wax is a natural product that can be used to help protect the inside of your mouth from irritation caused by your braces' brackets and wires.
How does orthodontic wax work?
Placing a small amount of orthodontic wax where you need it, covers sharp edges and helps to stabilize any loose pieces of your braces. Orthodontic wax can instantly help to make your braces feel more comfortable.
Most of our patients use orthodontic wax at the beginning of their orthodontic treatment, while the soft tissues of their mouth get used to the presence of the braces. Some patients also find that orthodontic wax is helpful following their adjustment appointments.
How do I apply orthodontic wax?
Orthodontic wax is easy to use! Washing your hands, then take a small piece of the wax and roll it into a ball. Gently press the wax onto the bracket or wire that is causing the irritation. If you have placed the wax correctly it should form a small bump over the offending bracket or wire. The small lump of soft smooth wax helps to prevent any further irritation or discomfort.
Is orthodontic wax safe to swallow?
Yes! In fact, orthodontic wax has been designed to be swallowed. Orthodontic wax is non-toxic and safe to consume. While you wear the orthodontic wax, your saliva causes it to slowly melt away.
What does orthodontic wax taste like?
Some varieties of orthodontic wax have added flavours such as grape or mint, but natural orthodontic wax is flavourless.
Where can I get orthodontic wax?
Your orthodontist may provide you with orthodontic wax when you visit the office for your appointments, but you will also find orthodontic wax in the toothpaste isle of most pharmacies.
Will the orthodontic wax be noticeable to others when I talk or smile?
Orthodontic wax is clear so it's pretty hard to see unless you look closely. So, no one is likely to notice that you're using it.