At last, your braces are coming off and your new smile will be revealed! Congratulations, but as exciting as it is, your treatment isn't done quite yet. Now you're going to need to wear a retainer for a while. Today our orthodontists in the Greater Vancouver area explain why...
You thought that once your braces came off it would be the end of your orthodontic treatment but now your orthodontist says you need to wear a retainer, but why?
We know you're disappointed, but your retainer is as important to your orthodontic treatment as your braces were.
How Retainers Help Your Smile
Once your teeth have been shifted to where you want them, it's important to make sure that they stay there! When your braces come off it's going to take some time for your teeth to settle into the soft tissue and jaw bone surrounding them. Retainers are designed to prevent your teeth from shifting out of their new positions during this settling-in phase of treatment.
Retainers are custom-made orthodontic appliances that are fitted precisely to your smile, and designed to keep your teeth in their new corrected positions. Your custom made retainer will help to maintain your new smile. That's why wearing your retainer is so important!
How Long You Will Need to Wear Your Retainer
Typically patients will wear a retainer full-time for about a year then move to part-time wear. As your teeth begin to settle, your orthodontist will carefully monitor the stability of your teeth and let you know when you can start wearing your retainer on a part time basis, or just at night.
Retainer Comfort
At first your retainer might cause you to feel some discomfort or pressure, which is normal. Try to keep in mind that the more you wear your retainer, the more used to it you will become, and the more comfortable it will begin feel.